
BRM Official Blog

Find Flex-Hone® for Firearms Tools at SHOT Show 2016 (Booth #1617)

Posted by Heather Jones on Jan 4, 2016 10:18:39 AM

SHOT Show 2016 (Booth 1617)Ready to start the New Year with a bang? Then head to SHOT Show 2016 later this month. From January 19 to 23, 2016, members of the shooting, hunting, and outdoor trade (SHOT) industries will gather at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas for this trade-only event. Buyers and sellers of military, law enforcement, and tactical gear are also invited to attend this exclusive conference and tradeshow.

Sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), SHOT Show spans 630,000 net square feet and features 1,600 exhibitors. With more than 62,000 industry professionals on-hand, you'll want to make the most of your time on the tradeshow floor. Don’t lose sight of the target. Start planning now. Request a meeting with BRM in Booth #1617 and find Flex-Hone® for Firearms tools for gun maintenance.   

Why Shooters Like Flex-Hone® for Firearms Tools

Flex-Hone for FirearmsFlex-Hone® for Firearms tools impart a long-wearing, oil-retaining surface finish to the smooth bores of shotguns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, and paintball guns. Made in the USA by Brush Research Manufacturing (BRM), these easy-to-use gun tools are great for maintaining cylinders, slides, chambers, magazine tubes, and smoothbore barrels. With their low-temperature, low-abrading process, Flex-Hone® for Firearms tools leave the bores of gun parts at the precise dimensions required.   

Gunsmiths and gun owners use Flex-Hone® for Firearms tools to remove corrosion, oxidation, and fouling that can cause jamming and failures-to-eject (FTEs). BRM’s gun tools also blend scratches and remove small nicks that can cause plastic adhesion. In addition to removing surface imperfections, Flex-Hone® for Firearms tools impart a series of oil-retaining valleys for optimum lubrication. Firearms manufacturers like this plateau finish because it’s free of raised areas and tool marks produced by prior machining operations.

How to Use Flex-Hone® for Firearms Tools

How to Use Flex-Hone for FirearmsFlex-Hone® for Firearms tools are made with abrasive globules or balls that are permanently laminated to flexible nylon filaments. These American-made gun tools also feature a rigid, metal steam for easy mounting in most any rotating spindle, including handheld power tools and production equipment. As this video shows, gunsmiths can easily chuck the Flex-Hone® for Firearms in a handheld electric drill. Firearms manufacturers can readily mount BRM gun tools in CNC equipment to automate finishing operations.     

Always use the Flex-Hone® for Firearms with a good-quality cutting fluid or honing oil, preferably Flex-Hone® oil. Rotate the gun tool prior to entry and keep rotating the tool until it’s fully removed from the bore. Stroke the tool at a smooth, constant speed. When you’re finished, clean the cylinder and then wipe the walls with a lint-free cloth coated with a light oil or mineral spirits. When the lint-free cloth comes clean, apply a light coating of gun oil. Download the Flex-Hone® for Firearms brochure to learn more.   

Find BRM Gun Tools at SHOT Show 2016 (Booth #1617)

Are you part of the shooting, hunting, or outdoor trade (SHOT) industries? Are you head to SHOT Show 2016 in Las Vegas later this month? Don’t wait to plan your trip to the tradeshow floor. Request a meeting with the BRM Technical Team today, and get ready to find gun tools for smooth bores of shotguns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, and paintball guns.

Meet BRM at SHOT Show 2016 (Booth #1617)

Topics: Firearms Maintenance

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